Friday, November 1, 2019

Apple and Amazon Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Apple and Amazon Companies - Essay Example The present research has identified that, Inc. is an American-based company that dominates the United States retail markets. The company deals with electronic commerce and it has strived to become the best online-based retailer in the region. It originally started as an online bookstore but in the recent times, it has greatly diversified into the sale of compact disks, furniture, software, toys, video games, food, electronics, and jewelry. Just like Apple, Amazon produces consumer electronics such as the Fire TV sets, Fire mobile phones, Fire tablets, and the Amazon Kindle e-book. The company has separate websites for its different market regions. Some of its market regions include; the United States, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, China, and Japan. The graph in the paper is essential in determining the various strategies different companies use in their marketing programs. Apple and Amazon are no exceptions in this situation. The graph compar es the different marketing strategies used in a period of two years against their popularity among companies. An analysis of these strategies would act as a good way to compare and contrast the two companies. According to Moorman, Apple has managed to emerge as the best overall winner of marketing excellence surveys, and the latest being the 2012 award. Scrutinizing the company’s marketing policies would be a good starting point for this analysis. Just as Moorman continues to explain, Apple has been successful in the electronics market primarily because of its marketing strategies. Apple’s marketing approach constitutes the following three strong pillars: empathy, focus and impute. Empathy implies that the company should be in a better position to understand the needs of their customers than their competitors do. In a move to maintain focus, the company puts its attention to important opportunities that will enable them to be in apposition to do a perfect job.

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